About Me

Nunulanka Studio is run by a versatile and creative video artist/director Nurbanu - who fuses a background in animation, illustration and documentary filmmaking. 

Born and raised in Ankara (TR), Nurbanu received a BFA degree from Design & Technology at Parsons School of Design, New York (’09) and an MA degree from Goldsmith’s University of London (’17) as a Chevening Scholar. She likes to work on witty and colourful projects that are in touch with psychology, society, children, empowerment and environment.

Recently, she became a studio artist at Wysing Arts Centre, and working on her own projects that lie in the intersection between arts, animation and technology. 

Some of her previous clients include: Adobe, Apple, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Peas Recruitment, Brentwood Schools, The Guardian, FAM Hub and Little Yucca

You can download her CV here and see more of her works through Behance and Vimeo.

Using Format